A conceptual piece from Director Dean West for the Art at Berlin Meuseum. The short film “Dixie Land”, to which the exhibition dedicates a separate room, was completed this spring and denounces everyday racism in Florida: a tensely choreographed scene in front of an ice cream parlor describes a moment of suspension characteristic of West’s art, the beginning and end of which is left up to the viewer to interpret.
Artist/Director: Dean West - @deanwest
DP: Sam Brave - @sambrave
Colorist: Matteo Belletta - @matteobelletta
Composer: Ali Helnwein - @alihelnwein
Talent Pictured: Robert DeAngelo - @robertdeangelo_official
Producer: Catalina Cortez - @catuhleena_
Location: Brooke Agnini - @bragnini
1st AC: Kyle Bengston - @snakes.0
2nd AC: LeGrand Fort - @grandfort_
1st Photo Asst: Paul Bostrom - @paulbostrom
Film Tech: Devyn Castro-Almeyda - @itsdevynwithawhy
Gaffer: Andy Seely - @radiant_city_lighting_and_grip
Key Grip: Mike Ruthardt - @fulltime_hawaiian_shirt_guy
Key Grip: Harrison Carr
Grip: Chris Gutierez - @chrisssssssssssg
G&E Swing: Daniel Bostrum - @djbostrom
Key Wardrobe: Sharon Williams - @sharonwilliamscreative
Wardrobe Stylist: Ruthia Fuller - @ruthiafuller
Wardrobe Asst: Haley Mueller - @hales.mu
HMUA: Hailey Trifiro - @hailey_trifiro
HMUA Asst: Riley Dyer
PA Set: Chad Delnista - @itschadxd
PA Set: Dean McGregor - @philly_dean_steak
SS Ice-Cream Machine: RJ’s Party Rentals Ocala
Police Officer: Zane Phillips - @zanethan
Child I: Caleb Stancel
Child II: Hattie Hoskins - @hattie.estime
Child III: Cameron Dorce
Ice-Cream Server: Destiny Greer - @destinygreer.art